Omicron Sigma Awards
Review/Revised: 5/2005, 2/2016, 10/2018
First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President’s Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to the ASCLS. Recognition is at three (3) levels: national, regional, and constituent society. This allows constituent society presidents, regional directors, and the ASCLS President to recognize members for outstanding service.
Eligibility: Nominees must be current members of ASCLS.
Nominations may be made by:
- The ASCLS President who may nominate up to 100 members for national recognition. The President will email his/her nominees to the ASCLS Awards Committee as well as to each of the Region Directors.
- Each of the ASCLS Region Directors who may nominate up to 15 members from their region for regional recognition. The Directors will submit nominations to the ASCLS Awards Committee and to their constituent society presidents, along with the ASCLS President’s list.
- Each of the ASCLS constituent society presidents who may nominate eight members, plus one additional person for every 50 current society members over 400, based on the membership figures as of December 31. The presidents will submit nominations to the ASCLS Awards Committee.
Award: All nominees receive a sticker at the ASCLS Annual Meeting. The ASCLS Awards Committee will attempt to process nominations by March 1 to allow recognition at constituent society annual meeting.
Nominations deadline for the ASCLS President: February 1
This list of nominees is emailed to the ASCLS Awards Committee at [email protected] AND the Region Directors.
Nominations deadline for Region Directors: February 15
This list of region nominees is emailed to the ASCLS Awards Committee at [email protected] AND the Region Directors’ respective constituent presidents. Region Directors should also provide the ASCLS President’s list of nominees to the constituent society presidents.
Nomination deadline for Constituent Society Presidents: March 1
This list of constituent society nominees is emailed to the ASCLS Awards Committee at [email protected]. The ASCLS-PA President will send a list of the Pennsylvania Society’s nominees (national, regional, and state levels) to the ASCLS-PA Awards Committee Chair.
Calculations for constituent societies:
- The number of members is based on the ASCLS alpha membership list figures for each society as of December 31.
- Divide the total number of members over 400 that appear on this list by 50.
- Any fraction may be rounded up to the next whole number (i.e. 405 members divided by 50 = 8.1 = nine (9) nominees)
- Contact ASCLS office at [email protected] if you have not received your alpha list in time to make your nominations by the March 1st deadline.
Other information:
- Check the December 31 membership roster to confirm membership status of nominees and membership number. Non-members will not be considered.
- Type or print full legal name. Do not use nicknames. If a nominee is not on the membership list, the committee will not consider the nomination.
- Provide the full name of the constituent society/state in which the nominee is a member. This is important for Regional and National nominees.
- Provide a brief explanation of the contribution to be recognized.
- Use the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that is passed down from the ASCLS President to the Regional Directors and then to the Constituent Society Presidents to submit your nominees. The ASCLS President will receive the Excel spreadsheet from the ASCLS Awards Committee.
- The ASCLS President typically sends a personal letter to his/her national nominees. It is the responsibility of the Region Directors and Constituent Society/State Presidents to notify their members of the region/state level nomination. The ASCLS
- Awards Committee will not mail letters to these individuals.
NOTE: The ASCLS-PA President shall forward a copy of the completed spreadsheet to the ASCLS-PA Awards Committee Chair.